Current activities
Over the last quarter we have been involved in three main activities:
Providing information on the historical development of HLB in California and the various epidemiological analyses that have been used to support the statewide program, to the Science Advisory Panel for the Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Program (request from CPDPC);
Providing statistical expertise to an ongoing collaborative project between CDFA and the Central Valley Citrus Pest Detection Program to study the efficacy of detecting Liberibacter in different tissues of infected host trees (request from CPDPC Science Sub-committee);
Analyzing Asian Citrus Psyllid detection data from sporadic detections in the Central Valley to examine whether the current response radius is sufficient to achieve local eradication of the vector (request from CPDPC Operations Sub-committee).
Recent Posts
See AllThe latest quarterly report, covering activities from July to September 2021, has been published. It can be viewed here.
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